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50/50 Raffle presented by BETRIVERS.COM

The 50/50 Raffle is conducted at every Pittsburgh Penguins home game with proceeds funding grants for eligible local 501(c)(3) charities who share our Foundation’s mission.

Over $861,000

Total donations made during the 2022.23 season thanks to our 50/50 Raffle

Through a grant application process during the 2022.23 season, local 501(c)(3) charities were selected to receive these monies to benefit their programs.

More than $8.7 Million Raised

Since 2012.2013, the Penguins Foundation has donated more than $8.7 million to local charities due to the tremendous game day support of our fans.


50/50 Raffle proceeds are distributed via Penguins Foundation Grants.

Penguins Foundation Grants

Organizations interested in a 2024.25 Penguins Foundation Grant are invited to complete a Letter of Intent (LOI) for further discovery. Please note that LOI submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis, and all submitters will receive communication regardless of the decision. To learn more about our Penguins Foundation Grants, visit the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation Grants section of our website !

Did you miss the winning number? Are you our winner? Call 412.255.1952 to find out!

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