50/50 Raffle presented by BETRIVERS.COM
The 50/50 Raffle is conducted at every Pittsburgh Penguins home game with proceeds funding grants for eligible local 501(c)(3) charities who share our Foundation’s mission.
Total donations made during the 2022.23 season thanks to our 50/50 Raffle
Through a grant application process during the 2022.23 season, local 501(c)(3) charities were selected to receive these monies to benefit their programs.
More than $8.7 Million Raised
Since 2012.2013, the Penguins Foundation has donated more than $8.7 million to local charities due to the tremendous game day support of our fans.
50/50 Raffle proceeds are distributed via Penguins Foundation Grants.
Penguins Foundation Grants
Organizations interested in a 2024.25 Penguins Foundation Grant are invited to complete a Letter of Intent (LOI) for further discovery. Please note that LOI submissions are reviewed on a rolling basis, and all submitters will receive communication regardless of the decision. To learn more about our Penguins Foundation Grants, visit the Pittsburgh Penguins Foundation Grants section of our website !